Graphic & motion designer, animator. Graduate and currently an assistant in the animation studio in Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice (Poland). Author of many projects from the area of film, animation and multimedia.
NEBULA is an experiment that aims at finding the link between two trends that develop simultaneously in the history of film – Lumières concept of a movie as a record of reality and Méliés’s idea that uses the film as a tool for creation of imaginative worlds. NEBULA draws from both of these approaches and becomes a combination, collage, in which the recorded figurative picture is intermingled with abstract compositions being the graphic equivalent of music. The project using the volumetric filmmaking technique (RGB+D) is, on the one hand, the recording of an event (a meeting of musicians playing a jazz composition “Sleepwalker” by Maciej Obara) and, on the other, an attempt to obtain the visual experience of music by using the soundtrack of a recorded piece of music at the stage of post-production. The picture created as a result of the recording represents the “Lumières line” that aims at reflecting the reality in the most accurate way. Musical layer that has its sources also in the recording becomes a tool for creation of abstract visual compositions that does not bear traits of reality (Méliés’s line). These two approaches are combined into an audio visual form resembling a video clip.
The aim of this project, besides examining the links between record and creation based on non-figurative forms, is also the exploration of the new volumetric filmmaking technique (picture recorded by a Kinect sensor).